
Microcontrollers Permeate Our Daily Lives

Different Applications of Microcontroller – VLSIFacts

Different Applications of Microcontroller – VLSIFacts

Microcontrollers power interactivity and intelligence in billions of modern electronic devices. As computing and connectivity resources once reserved for PCs and servers shrink to chip scales, mundane appliances gain new capabilities. Microcontroller units (MCUs) drive the spreading web of embedded systems surrounding us. Examining their design evolution helps envision the possibilities as microcontrollers continue proliferating our environments.

The Rise of Microcontrollers

The microcontroller originated in the 1970s by combining key components like a CPU, memory, and peripherals into a single integrated circuit. According to embedded systems expert Jack Ganssle, this breakthrough enabled “building applications cheaper and faster” compared to using separate chips. While microprocessors demand external logic and devices to function, microcontrollers work standalone for targeted control tasks.

Early 4 and 8-bit designs like the Intel 8048 and Motorola 6800 proved ideal for products like home appliances, security systems, and automotive electronics. Their compact size and affordability enabled distributing intelligence economically across machines. Billions of 8-bit controllers remain in use today for applications not requiring advanced processing but valuing size, cost, and low power.

However, 32-bit architectures like Arm’s Cortex-M now dominate high-volume MCU markets. Their advanced features including memory protection, floating point, and efficient code execution support more responsive and robust control. Arm emphasizes balancing powerful performance with energy efficiency. Partners like NXP, STMicroelectronics, and Microchip adopt Arm’s influential ISA into diverse MCU families. 32-bit microcontrollers manage everything from laser printers to drones to warehouse robots.

Yet even as existing MCUs spread, new milestones like Arm’s Cortex-M85 emphasize scalability. Its dual-core configuration targets compute-intensive capabilities like sensor fusion in autonomous robots. By integrating hardware accelerators and leveraging emerging memory technologies, future microcontrollers will achieve symbiotic benefits in efficiency, latency, connectivity, and intelligence.

Distributing Intelligence to the Edge

A major driver for MCU evolution is the growth of edge computing. Latency, bandwidth, reliability, and privacy needs often preclude centralized cloud processing. As Microsoft technical fellow Eric Boyd explains, “Smart devices with built-in ML inferencing maximize responsiveness while reducing data sharing.” MCUs within Internet of Things nodes run AI/ML locally for time-critical decisions.

For example, computers inside self-driving cars fuse lidar, camera, and radar inputs to assess hazards and control steering seamlessly. Colombus, Ohio-based Tractive Labs equips dump trucks with perception sensors connected to rugged microcontrollers running proprietary AI models. This transforms lifeless vehicles into collaborative smart machines navigating safely on construction sites. Such autonomous heavy equipment cuts waste and pollution while preventing accidents.

Likewise, robotic vacuum maker Anthropic integrates MCUs with stereo cameras and neural networks to map spaces, identify objects, and navigate intelligently. Performance is paramount for fluid human-robot interaction. Anthropic’s custom silicon stacks adjacent to microcontrollers, enabling responsive edge inference unseen in predecessors. As smart devices proliferate, MCUs will provide their foundations in our homes, vehicles, and workplaces.

Programming and Security Challenges

Harnessing sophisticated MCU capabilities requires overcoming software complexities. Low-level register programming remains tedious. Frameworks like Arm’s Mbed OS ease development by providing intuitive APIs for peripherals, connectivity, file systems, and more. Mbed’s expertly optimized core libraries help engineers focus on delivering application value quickly.

Security is also paramount with microcontrollers managing sensitive equipment and data. Trusted Platform Modules like WolfSSL’s embed robust cryptography accelerators securing communication and updates. MCUs now integrate hardware protections including Arm TrustZone. Partners like Cypress and NXP further harden IoT nodes against remote attacks using layers spanning encrypted flash to key injection to debug lockdowns.

In some cases, companion ICs aid programming and security. For example, QuickLogic’s EOS S3 sensor processing platform adds an FPGA, VoiceAI software, and security features for companies deploying far-field voice in battery-powered designs. The companion chip approach offloads complex audio processing from the host MCU while safeguarding against hackers. Quicklogic’s CEO Brian Faith calls EOS S3 a “force multiplier” for next-gen voice-enabled products.

MCUs Continue Enriching Lives

Microcontrollers transform mundane objects into responsive, intelligent systems. Their steady growth in capability and adoption drives ambient computing forward. As computing pioneer Mark Weiser envisioned in 1991, ubiquitous microcontrollers fade elegantly into the background environment while enhancing our experiences profoundly.

In coming years, microcontrollers will bring new levels of customization and interactivity into everyday items. Levi’s recently debuted a “smart jacket” with Google’s Jacquard tag. Its tiny embedded controller connects via Bluetooth to phones, allowing users to start music or get directions by swiping a sleeve. We will soon take such conveniences for granted as microcontrollers embed seamlessly into our clothes, tools, and furniture.

From personal health trackers to store checkout scanners to Mars rovers, microcontrollers infuse interactivity into otherwise static hardware. Their programmability provides flexibility to augment products post-deployment as well. As Arm’s MCU head Mohamed Awad observes, “There is literally no limit to what developers can do with microcontrollers.” Our environments will only grow more responsive as embedded intelligence advances.